
You know what the issue is with this world? Everyone wants some magical solution for their problem and everyone refuses to believe in magic (с)

07.04.2007 в 22:26

up all night to get Bucky
07.04.2007 в 22:27

You know what the issue is with this world? Everyone wants some magical solution for their problem and everyone refuses to believe in magic (с)


07.04.2007 в 22:30

up all night to get Bucky
Чуча. что случилось?!
07.04.2007 в 22:32

You know what the issue is with this world? Everyone wants some magical solution for their problem and everyone refuses to believe in magic (с)
~Анта~ так просто...
07.04.2007 в 22:34

Чуча. мяу)*обняла и чмокнула в нос*
07.04.2007 в 22:34


07.04.2007 в 22:39

You know what the issue is with this world? Everyone wants some magical solution for their problem and everyone refuses to believe in magic (с)
Сизокрылая мяу

Лира Сирин. мрмяу..
07.04.2007 в 22:40

Чуча. афф!)
07.04.2007 в 22:40

Боже храни идиотов, хоть есть над кем поржать...
07.04.2007 в 22:42



*заключила кузину в объятия*
07.04.2007 в 22:45

You know what the issue is with this world? Everyone wants some magical solution for their problem and everyone refuses to believe in magic (с)
*спряталаьс от Совести*

Luthien... мяу...мяу

Лира Сирин. *улыбнулась*
07.04.2007 в 22:49

Чуча. так! не поняль!) а мне чего-нить мыркнуть?!)
07.04.2007 в 22:50

You know what the issue is with this world? Everyone wants some magical solution for their problem and everyone refuses to believe in magic (с)
Сизокрылая мряф))))
07.04.2007 в 23:01

Чуча. муррррррлык?)))))))))
07.04.2007 в 23:02

аха)) я флудер)))))))))гы)))
07.04.2007 в 23:08

You know what the issue is with this world? Everyone wants some magical solution for their problem and everyone refuses to believe in magic (с)
Сизокрылая значит у меня это генетика (каким то там образом)

07.04.2007 в 23:18

Чуча. аха)) ты еще и на мой дайр прибегай))))

07.04.2007 в 23:20

You know what the issue is with this world? Everyone wants some magical solution for their problem and everyone refuses to believe in magic (с)
Сизокрылая *побежала на тетин дайр* ля ля ля
08.04.2007 в 00:42

Чуча. тру-ля-ляф))))
08.04.2007 в 00:47

You know what the issue is with this world? Everyone wants some magical solution for their problem and everyone refuses to believe in magic (с)
Сизокрылая турум-пурум
08.04.2007 в 00:53

Чуча. пам-парам-парам-пурум))

08.04.2007 в 00:59

You know what the issue is with this world? Everyone wants some magical solution for their problem and everyone refuses to believe in magic (с)
Сизокрылая тм тм тм


пурум пурум?

08.04.2007 в 01:00

You know what the issue is with this world? Everyone wants some magical solution for their problem and everyone refuses to believe in magic (с)
08.04.2007 в 01:45

Чуча. парум-пурум-парам))

кто хо-дит в го-сти по у-трам!))))))

мне приезжать парам-тарам-тудам-ква-квам?))))
08.04.2007 в 01:48

племяш молчит?тарам-парам?)))
08.04.2007 в 01:49

тогдам-наверн-не стоит-мням-столь рваться-нынче квам в москвам))))


08.04.2007 в 01:51

You know what the issue is with this world? Everyone wants some magical solution for their problem and everyone refuses to believe in magic (с)
Кнам-ква-вам-в москвам-и москвичам-конечно стоит-приезжам)
08.04.2007 в 02:02

Чуча. так значит нам порам и квам?)))
08.04.2007 в 02:02

приехать как-то по утрам?)))
08.04.2007 в 02:06

You know what the issue is with this world? Everyone wants some magical solution for their problem and everyone refuses to believe in magic (с)

вам-у нам - парам -парам - пара -давно - приехать - как-то по утрам

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